
Monday, June 17, 2019

A look back on Father's Day

Since I couldn't spend Father's Day with my dad, I will post old pics instead :)

Silly fun at Disneyland:
Biking and recycling - two of Dad's favorite things :)
And a Slurpee!
Biking in party pants and sandals!
Homemade angel food cake for Dad's 60th birthday:
And a Mariners weekend:

And then some Old Spaghetti Factory with friends:
Grandpa's birthday at Friendsview:
Morning biking:

Eryn's birthday at Benihana:

Birthday hike and cheese buffet for my birthday several years ago:
Urban excursion:

Safety first!
Family fun in Portland:
Including bowling:

Springwater Corridor:
All the way to the end:
And back to the truck:
And a different ride to Wilsonville Jamba:
So many adventures! Miss you, Dad!

Friday, June 14, 2019

Summertime means adventure

Summertime means baseball in our family - and sometimes train rides to watch the Seattle Mariners:
And trying to get that perfect family pic:

Sometimes we get bored and pass around the camera. I like this one a lot :)
Goofy Dad!
Summertime means outdoor adventures - like hiking with my adventure buddy:
And camera-timer fails:

MUCH better. I love this pic:
This was a favorite hike for me and Dad. It ends at Multnomah Falls:

Summertime is for biking:

OK :)
So many good pics. I could never choose a favorite, but this one is close:
This one, too. I sit on this rock and think of my dad every time I hike King's Mountain.
The top:

Gotta eat after!
Summertime is for beach trips:

I feel kinda bad for sharing these ones... but he's not here to complain so I'll do it anyway :)

Dad was a good sport when he was having a good day. I'm choosing to remember the great days we had together. Heading into summer break next week, I'm sure feeling this hole in my life and in my heart. Miss you, Daddy.