
Saturday, October 4, 2008

My music

I started playing the violin in fifth grade and added clarinet in sixth grade. I decided the violin wasn't for me, but I stuck with the clarinet all through high school and college. The Tigard High Marching Band was my life and kept me interested in school. I wanted to attend George Fox University (College, then) and almost opted for a much larger school that had a marching band. (Could you imagine how different my life would be if I hadn't gone to GFU?!?!)

I'm not sure when I started playing handbells. I got my feet wet when I was young when we'd have an occasional choir at my family's church. I organized a couple play dates and sort of arranged music for the events. I played in my college handbell choir, even earning elective credit by assisting Dr. Howard my senior year.

I heard about the Newberg Friends Handbell Choir shortly after Brad and I started attending NFC. I signed up immediately. That was about 10 years ago! I took a short break when we moved to Vancouver for less than a year. I haven't played my clarinet since graduation day at GFU. But I am so blessed to keep my musical skills tuned with my friends in the NFC handbell choir!

The bass line rocks!

Treble is cool, too

Our fearless leader

Sometimes we look like hobos

-Liz :)

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