
Thursday, January 1, 2009

The great experiment

My tummy doesn't like me... and I don't know why. I finally decided to ask medical professionals for help figuring it out, but after seeing several doctors and having a bunch of *really fun* tests, I still don't know why it dislikes me so much.

The latest doctor suggested that I try a gluten-free diet for a month... a large percentage of IBS sufferers (which is apparently what they call people with unhappy tummies even if the doctors don't know what's wrong) get relief from cutting gluten (wheat, rye and barley) from their diets. So today began the great one-month experiment. My morning started with this:
Tasted like Captain Crunch. Lunch was Toby's Tofu Pate on rice/nut crackers. Dinner was a fish taco on a corn tortilla. I don't like corn tortillas at all. I'm hoping I can learn to love them. We'll see.

I'll be trying lots of new products and recipes over the next month. At least it's an adventure :)


  1. My boys love the Gorilla Munch - purchased it for a nephew with wheat issues. My mother-in-law (lactose-intolerant) *loves* Toby's. Freddie's has a decent section of GF, and so does Bob's Red Mill (pizza dough, hot cereal - and you can buy it in bulk). I've also heard sprouted grains affect the system differently - not as allergy-inducing. Good luck!
