
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Turkey Feast 2010!

Gobble gobble!

Saturday was our annual Turkey Feast, a wonderful excuse to stuff ourselves and prep our stomachs for the upcoming holiday season. Eryn and I made the big shopping trip to WinCo, stocking up on everything we needed to prepare our stuffing, cranberry relish, mashed potatoes, four pies and more:
And we bought a lovely free-range turkey at New Seasons.

Over the next couple days we transformed our family room into a dining room for 25:
Brad was there to chronicle the event.
Almost ready:
Finally, the time has arrived:
OK... shifting gears. It's PIE TIME!
We had sour cream lemon, pecan, pumpkin, French apple and cherry cranberry, along with a pumpkin cream cheese thing that was amazing!
Brad made this masterpiece: TF '10:
And this is what happens when you leave your camera unattended in the other room:

I love my friends! I love our traditions! I love Turkey Feast :)


  1. how fun! We miss not being able to go to Turkey feast :-( but fun to see all the familiar faces.

  2. At least Micheal's picture was appropriate to post! Or perhaps that was the only one appropriate to post! :)

  3. I love reading about your community festivities and the line-up of food was awesome! You not only like each have some great cooks. The settings looks gorgeous.
    Love, Marcile
