
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Pancake Tuesday!

I have learned something new... amazing, I know!

When I attended Ang and Cash's wedding Saturday, there was a signup in
the church for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. So I diligently researched the topic by doing a quick Google search.
We've all heard of Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday, right? It's the day when everyone goes crazy, lets their hair down and overindulges in all kinds of sins before Lent starts on Wednesday. Then we repent and fast until Easter. Right? I'm pretty sure that many in our culture just use Fat Tuesday as an excuse to get hammered on a weeknight.

So according to
my source, it's called Fat Tuesday "because on that day a thrifty housewife uses up the fats that she has kept around (the can of bacon drippings, or whatever) for cooking, but that she will not be using during Lent. Since pancakes are a standard way of using up fat, the day is also called Pancake Tuesday."
What about Carnival in Rio de Janiero? What that means "'farewell to meat'... One last hamburger before the Lenten fast begins."

So what about Shrove Tuesday? "To shrive someone, in old-fashioned English, is to hear his acknowledgement of his sins, to assure him of God's forgiveness, and to give him appropriate spiritual advice.
"On Shrove Tuesday, many Christians make a special point of self-examination, of considering what wrongs they need to repent, and what amendments of life or areas of spiritual growth they especially need to ask God's help in dealing with."

Here's a prayer from the Shrove Tuesday Web site:

"Mercifully hear our prayers, O Lord, and spare all those who confess their sins unto you; that they, whose consciences by sin are accused, by your merciful pardon may be absolved; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever."

Enjoy your pancakes. I know I will :)


  1. Are you giving anything up for lent? Your pancake pictures have inspired us - now we have dinner ideas!!

  2. Hi Laura!
    I'm not giving up anything. You?

    Though I am going to do two weeks of a fructose-free diet. But it's not Lent-related, just an experiment for my recently resurfaced tummy issues :(
