
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why do I run?

Did you know that today is National Running Day?

I went to the National Running Day Web site and saw this amazing dynamic graphic. You enter your reason for running, and the answers scroll across.

Here are just a few that caught my eye:
So that got me started. Why do I run??

There really are lots of reasons, selfish and not. Here are some that come to mind:

To be strong.

Because I am able.

Because I set a goal and now I have to stick with it.
To prove to myself and others that I can.

It makes me feel good about myself.
Because I like to eat.

I don't want to be fat.

It's an excuse to shop for gear (clothes, shoes, gadgets, energy gels, etc).

I love being outside.

I have fun (most of the time).

I am inspired by others.
I like competition.

Races are super fun!

You get free stuff at races.

It creates instant community.

It's a bonding experience.

I can help others through running and racing.

I like to better myself.

So why do YOU run? (or hike or bike or walk or swim or whatever gets you moving)

I hope you find the time to lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement today - even if it's just a short jog :)

1 comment:

  1. • To keep in shape enough to participate in other activities I enjoy (climbing, hiking, skiing, etc…).
    • For stress relief.
    • I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment I get from improving my fitness.
    • I like being in tune with my body and understanding its limitations.
    • Our bodies are use it or lose it machines. I know too many people who have adopted a sedentary lifestyle and just let their bodies waste away. They don’t realize how much of a problem they’ve created until they end up with health problems. I’m not just talking about obesity. Even trim people can have health problems due to inactivity. I don’t want that to happen to me.
