
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Track Thursday: five!

Pouring rain and gusting winds pounded our area all night and most of today.

By noontime I was dreading my track workout and trying not to give in to my deep desire to throw in the towel and ride the (inside!) elliptical instead.

Thankfully, there was a lull in the storm just about quitting time, and I dressed down and headed out before I could change my mind. The pineapple express has temps in the low 50s, so it actually wasn't that miserable.
I've been running four 800s but hoped to up it to five... and I DID IT!!! And all under an 7:58-minute -mile pace.

Here's how it looked:

warmup - 400m

400m: 7:57 pace
400m: 7:51

200m recovery

400m: 7:41
400m: 7:47

200m recovery

400m: 7:43
400m: 7:49

200m recovery

400m: 7:34
400m: 7:43

200m recovery

400m: 7:53
400m: 7:58

cool down - 400m

In all, 3.76 miles in 37:08 - a 9:53 average, including warmup, recoveries and cool down.
I'm really excited that I finished an extra interval - and each 400 was faster than last week! It was a great workout... feeling strong.

As (almost) always, I'm glad I won my internal debate and went running :)

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