
Friday, March 9, 2012

Tempo Thursday: naked

Man, it was hot out on my run yesterday!

It was snowing just a couple days ago... and Thursday it reached 66 degrees. That's a big difference!

I changed and stepped outside into the sun, hitting my Garmin power button. "Low Battery." Crap. How can I do a tempo run without my GPS??

I turned around and swapped my Garmin for my stop watch. So instead of watching my pace, I just ran at what I hoped was a fast-enough speed.

After nearly two years with my Garmin, running naked felt very strange!
I ran hard for 21:43, walked a block and then jogged back to THS.

Always obsessed with the numbers, I immediately logged on to Google Map Pedometer and discovered that I'd run 2.66 miles in that first interval.

Some fancy math later (Can I tell you how much I really appreciate my Garmin?!?), I figured out that I'd done an 8:10 average. Awesome! If I had known I was just a half mile from a 5K, I would have pushed to finish it out. Oh well.

I rode my bike home in the warm sun - so nice for a change :)

Brad's been craving pizza, so we went to Round Table for possibly my very favorite food: Italian Garlic Supreme (minus the sausage and pepperoni).
Man, that was some amazing pizza!

Brad and I ended up sitting in the restaurant for 2 hours, just chatting. Then home to watch our favorite Thursday shows :)

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