
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Turkey Feast 2012

With a fast-growing guest list, we decided to hold Turkey Feast 2012 in (CE)2 again this year. (We thought it worked really well last year!) And good thing we did, because 45 people would not have fit in my house!
Eryn, Brad and I spent most of Saturday and Sunday cooking and transforming my classroom into a beautiful dining hall.

Even got the VHS fireplace going in the corner, complete with FBI warning at the beginning:
We had to bring in four additional tables from the other room:

Buffet table ready:
Terrified of setting off the smoke detector, we put the turkey roaster right in the doorway:
Your hosts for the evening:
Soon, the room filled with lots of friends, old and new.
Everyone was asked to bring peanut butter to go in holiday food boxes for my students. We had quite the collection (with even more coming soon!):
With the help of David and the Rathkey clan, we had much of the furniture rearranged by the end of the night. And fortunately, Monday was a holiday, so we got everything washed and put away. (CE)2 is now back to normal :)

Happy (early) Thanksgiving, friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for your gracious, generous hospitality! You have many fortunate friends.
