
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Did I really just run 16 miles??

Yes. Yes I did!

I'm heading to women's retreat this weekend, so my long run had to be after work Thursday. I was a bundle of nerves but I had to get it done. That pressure seems to be helping me - no room for procrastination. 

Ready to go:
It was unexpectedly warm and sunny. I'm glad I packed different clothing options for different conditions. I even put on sunscreen!

I ran my normal at-home loop in Tigard and Tualatin, adding extra weaving around the neighborhoods to increase my distance.

I spotted Mom about mile 12 checking to see if I needed anything. Then Brad showed up on his bike about a mile later. He left work early so he could support me through the end of my run!

I felt strong until about mile 11, when I started slowing a bit and taking a few extra walk breaks. Still, I finished 16 miles in 2:45 - a 10:19 average:
Man, did my legs hurt! But I was riding the post-run high :)
I've been holding these runs loosely, keeping the attitude that this is for fun and should be enjoyable. I'm not going for any land-speed record here, so there's no point getting worked up about it.

Time for my ice bath!
Feels SO good!
Brad brought me some very important ice-bath accessories: recovery brie, Cytomax, iPod and camera. There's nothing quite like eating cheese and crackers while sitting next to the toilet ;) 
After a shower and some stretching it was time for Davidson's fajitas and clam chowder.
That hit the spot!

WOW! I can't believe I did it - and it wasn't that hard. I worked hard, but I didn't die or anything. WOOHOO :)

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