
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Belly love

Lauren Fleshman might just be my new hero.

She's a 32-year-old runner - the kind who wins things... like world championships. She's been to the Olympic trials. She runs a 14:58 5K and a 2:37 marathon. She's also one of the founder of Picky Bars. YUM!

Lauren just did a runway shoot for her sponsor, Oiselle, resulting in this amazing photo:
But instead of letting us "normal" people all feel bad about our bodies in comparison to hers, she wrote this incredibly honest post on her Web site, including pictures of what her belly really looks like - without the spray tan and the flexing and the sucking in. And she has thigh cellulite!

OH MY GOSH! Big smile. Understatement... Huge smile  :)

I don't consider myself a woman with body-image issues - I am fairly content with the body/features God gave me. But I do sometimes find myself comparing my body to others I feel are more ideal than mine. And then there's my belly. I guess I really do spend a tremendous amount of time thinking and worrying about that. 

My mystery digestive issues cause distention. I constantly remind myself that I shouldn't be upset by a medical condition I cannot control. But it's really hard.

Thank you, Lauren Fleshman, for showing me your real belly, which looks a lot like mine :)  Thank you for reminding me that I am a strong, fit, healthy women, even though my belly protrudes in the evening. Your honesty is awesome.


1 comment:

  1. Love this, Liz. I saw the picture of Lauren and felt depressed, but didn't read the fine print. I wish I had!
