
Friday, April 3, 2015

Adventure Thursday: back surgery

This week's adventure was very different from our others: back surgery for Dad!

For several years, Dad has lived with lumbar stenosis, arthritis in his spine that basically squeezes his nerves, causing shooting pain and numbness down his leg. It's gotten really bad, and he decided to do something about it. 

Yesterday was the big day. Almost time to go!
Lots and lots of waiting...
Ma and Pa were there at the beginning, then Lynn came to hang out and keep Mom company. Such a good friend :)
After about 4 hours, Dad was finished and moved to recovery. Dr. Rohrer came to tell us everything went well - no surprises, no complications. YIPPEE!! I asked when my hiking buddy would be back on the trails with me... hopefully this summer :)

Dad was eventually moved to his own room. He was still very groggy from the meds and did some funny things - like singing! (he does not sing!)  
Gorgeous view of the West Hills from his room:

Just talked to Mom, and she says he walked a couple times in the night and pain is minimal this (Friday) morning. Hoping he goes home today.



  1. Glad for the good report. Your Dad is a good sport for all the "photo ops" the women in his life give him.

  2. Hooray! I realize one has to go through recovery to actually notice the benefit but it will come. So happy for Mark that everything went as planned. Hiking this summer!
