
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Vernonia Half Marathon (4/14/19)

Looking back at the past year or so, I realize I haven't run many small races. But I have run several half marathons. I didn't want to spend the time, energy, or money on small stuff - just bigger races that motivated training.

In April, I did the Vernonia Half Marathon, which starts in Stub Stewart State Park, speeds down the Banks-Vernonia Trail, crosses Banks, and ends with a lap on the Banks High School track.

It was a beautiful day at the top of the park:
Because it's a point-to-point course, most racers take a shuttle bus to the start. But Brad went with me to the Hilltop Day-Use area and stayed with me until race time. It was nice to stay in the warm car until it was time to warm up.

The course starts uphill but then it's miles and miles down the closed trail.

Knowing that banked speed in a distance race just doesn't work, I was unsure how to pace. I ran this course before, but it was part of marathon training, and I didn't race it at all.
I decided to hold back a bit on the steep down, but by the time the flat arrived, I was kinda done. I had a hard time pushing the last 5 miles, which are very flat, straight, and monotonous.    

Brad and Mom were waiting for me at the Manning trail head, one of the only spectator spots on the course.
The last miles were a struggle - mentally and physically. I knew I was done when I actually stopped on one of the bridges and stared at the creek for a second.

I finally hauled my butt through Banks to the high school. My fam was waiting at the track and watched me struggle through an entire lap before the finish line.
I had no kick left at all, but I gave it what I had.

I finished in 2:04:02 - a 9:28 average.

ORRC always puts on a good race, and this was no different. The after-party was inside the school with hot soup and baked potatoes.

There was also a big raffle, a I won a pie :)
Overall, a good race. Like I've mentioned before, I've not been in a good place since my dad's death. This race was a struggle, but I'm still proud to have tackled it and finished, even if my time wasn't anything record breaking :)

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