
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Year of Hiking 2023: 51 - 61

As usual, my goal was to hike or run 52 trails throughout the year - an average of one per week. I love the challenge of getting out and exploring! (52 Hike Challenge)

My personal goal is unique trails of at least 1 mile (usually much more!). I hit it Nov. 10 but still racked up a few more before the end of the year - 61 total!

No. 51 - Portland Heights Street Ramble, Oct. 31:

No. 52 - Killin Wetlands, Nov. 10:

No. 53 - Kilchis Creek Campground, Nov. 12:

No. 54 - Marshall Park, Nov. 18:

No. 55 - Silver Falls, Nov. 22: 

No. 56 - Waluga Park, Dec. 18:

No. 57 - Powell Butte, Dec. 21:

No. 58 - Cook Park, Dec. 24:

No. 59 - WSU Vancouver, Dec. 26:

No. 60 - Tualatin Wildlife Refuge, Dec. 29:

No. 61 - McIver State Park, Dec. 30:

Despite lots of life getting in the way, I still managed one more hike than last year!

Can't wait to start my 2024 challenge!
