Yesterday was awesome! Early in the morning, we joined with tens of thousands of other women, men and children for the Race for the Cure in downtown Portland. It was chilly, but the excitement, energy and crowd kept us warm. Eryn, Brad and I ran the co-ed race at 7:30 a.m. The group size kept our times slow, but that's not the point. It was about supporting each other and, of course, raising money! Our team, Positive Margin, has raise nearly $40,000! Thank you to everyone who donated to my campaign -- I appreciate all your contributions.
You can read all about our team leader, Devon Webster, on the front page of Sunday's Oregonian. It's a great article -- worth the read if you still have it around.
PS - It's not too late to donate. Just click HERE!
Mom, Eryn, Brad and I just finished the Tigard 5K Run/Walk! It was our second time at the event, which starts at City Hall and ends with a free pancake breakfast at an LDS church across town. I wasn't feeling terrific about my running but still came in under 30 minutes, so I'm feeling great about that! Brad ran ahead but waited for me near the end and we finished together - what a guy :) The breakfast was a little weak this year, but heck, it's still free.
Someone forgot to order the shuttle bus to take us all back to City Hall, so instead of piling in a volunteer's minivan, we decided to head back on foot. We ran for quite a bit until Brad's bum knee started giving him trouble. We ended up doing run/walk intervals. I'm really pleased that I was able to keep up for another 3 miles - yippee for me!!!!
This evening, we're headed out to Davidson's for some great Mexican food with Jacob and Lindsey. Overall, a good day!