
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Celebrating the little things

When life's throwing not-so-happy-stuff at you (and by "you" I mean "me"), it's really easy to get caught up in the negative. Soon, all you're seeing is the bad stuff. And it compounds. And you get really grumpy. And it's no fun for anyone.

One of my New Year's goals is to focus on the great things in my life and less on the disappointments. I'm tired of being overwhelmed by the crap and blinded to the good stuff.

I checked my work mailbox this morning and found these from my secret pal:
YUMMO!!!! One of my very favorites - salt and sweet all in one. A little pleasure in my not-awesome day.

Then I started thinking (scary, I know!) ...
Sue brought me a couple giant avocados this morning - SCORE!
And I'd inquired earlier today about Tofurky jurky, my favorite trail snack that was discontinued from local stores. I discovered that they are still making it and shipping from their Web site - SCORE!!!
Then I decided to use some cookie dough from the CE2 freezer to whip up a couple trays of peanut butter cookies. Stress baking.
Hot, gooey cookies straight from the over - SCORE!!!!
All these were great things that happened to me today - and I almost didn't realize it. I was too focused on the crap to see the good. I'm glad I finally took notice. And while the crap is still there (my problems were not all solved by some yummy food), at least I feel like life's not all bad. That's really important.


1 comment:

  1. Yum!! And good New Year's goal...i need to do that more often, as well!
