
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long run... killed it!

I set out after work today on my first "long run" of my training... and I killed it!!

I'm using the Beginning Runner's Handbook to ramp up from my usual 5Ks to 10Ks and an eventual half-marathon. Week 7 called for running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute - five times for a total of 55 minutes.
Armed with some water and a Gu gel, I set off to pound out my 55 minutes. Since I raced Sunday and skied yesterday, I wasn't expecting much from my legs. I decided to ignore my Garmin the entire run and not think about speed at all. I wove my way through the neighborhoods, feeling comfortable-ish and thinking I was going pretty slow, especially when the strong wind was blowing at me.

I planned to eat my mint chocolate Gu during the walk of my third interval - at 32 minutes. It was my very first during-run gel. Because I had my stopwatch in my left hand and my water bottle in my right, I had a little trouble getting it open. Then I had a hard time eating it while breathing hard. Soon, my minute was up and I had to finish it while running. It was a bit tricky to time the breathing and the sucking, but I assume that will get easier.
It tasted amazingly good and went down fairly easily, though I was glad to have a little water to help. After, I had a little trouble with the sugary syrup getting stuck in my throat. I kept trying to cough and clear my throat to get it out. It was a little distracting to my breathing. I'll have to practice and get used to those. At least I found a flavor that works :)

So I got finished and took a peek at my Garmin:
I wasn't going slow at all! I'd done 5.6 miles in just under 55 minutes - a 9:47-minute/mile - including my walking.

I'm thrilled with my run - and I'm feeling more confident in my ability to ramp up my distance and do my upcoming 10K.


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