Heart Breaker PR!
I got up about 5:45 a.m. to get ready for the Heart Breaker race in downtown Portland. I've really started enjoying getting up a couple hours early in the mornings - to have a nice breakfast, check the blogs and the news and the comics and make a slow start to the day.Then I got ready to run in my special race socks... gotta do it!
Brrrr! Just 32 degrees when Sarah rang the doorbell. Ready to head downtown...
The pre- and post-parties were at the World Trade Center, which was stocked with lots of porta-potties and propane heaters to keep us warm while we waited. There was also fun music, snacks and some vendors, along with a bag check to hold our winter clothes while we ran.
The event included a 5K, 10K and half-marathon - all different courses. Sarah and Brad lined up a block away at 2nd and Taylor for the 9 a.m. 10K start.

I met up with Lindsey and headed to the 9:30 a.m. 5K start on Naito Parkway. We began southbound on Naito, the first 1+ mile uphill. Then we turned right onto Whitaker, which is short but very steep. Then a right turn put us on Barbur Boulevard - downhill! We took a couple more turns and then ended up northbound on Naito, running past the start line and then the short distance to the finish line. I was thrilled to see Sarah and Brad cheering me on as I finished strong! I sprinted the last quarter-mile or so and set a new PR: 9:10/mile!! My previous PR was 9:16/mile - woohoo!
I celebrated with AWESOME free food at the post-party: snacks, hot chicken noodle soup and strawberry shortcake:

We also got a couple other goodies:
Brad set a new PR too - he's getting really fast!
After posing for our group shot, we thought we heard the award announcer say Sarah's name. HE DID! She took second place in her age division - WOOHOO!!!!!!
I checked the results online and discovered that I was 5th out of 40 for my age group, 39/216 for women and 85/319 overall for the 5K! I'm so excited!Brad was 6/18 in his age group, 23/82 for men and 40/290 overall for the 10K - very nicely done!Lindsey, Sarah, Brad and I decided that the Heart Breaker, which was the first annual, was very well done. It was organized, great food, plenty of food, free long-sleeved shirts, finisher medals and a lot of fun! Our only real problem was locating the starting lines - could have used some signs pointing from the Trade Center area. Linus gave it his seal of approval too ;)

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