
Friday, November 30, 2012

Easy runs rock!

I'm liking this "easy" run stuff!

My half-marathon training plan calls for higher weekly mileage than I'm used to, but several of the runs are supposed to be really relaxed. So for the third time this week, I held myself back while cruising around, taking in the scenery and enjoying the easy workout.
3 miles at a 10:09 average:
I realized that's the exact pace that I ran yesterday, too :)

The weather was windy but fairly warm. Another beautiful sky:

Family Black Friday

Again, so late sharing my holiday happenings.

After consuming two entire Thanksgiving meals and staying up way too late going through ads and plotting our shopping adventure, our Black Friday started at 3:30 a.m.

Eryn always crashes on my living room floor for the late-night plotting and early-morning wakeup. We picked up Mom and Dad at 4:30 a.m. and headed straight for the Tigard Fred Meyer.

In line, awaiting the 5 a.m. opening, donning non-optional headgear:
After grabbing some deals, including fleece blankets for the Caring Closet and half-priced socks (duh!), and some free doughnut holes, we made our way to JCPenney for their 6 a.m. opening. There was a mad rush up the escalator for $8 appliances. Eryn cut in line and got shopping raged. The woman told Eryn that she "belonged at Wal-Mart" - HA!
Then to Beaverton Bi-Mart, though I was so excited that I forgot to snap a pre-dawn pic. Next up, nearby Target.
Target is usually a mad house, but since they opened Thanksgiving night, the store was a total ghost town. Honestly, it was kinda lame.

Beaverton Home Depot for door-buster poinsettias and more doughnut holes!
After a quick stop at Michael's, we braved Washington Square. First order of business for me was a Pumpkin Smash smoothie from Jamba Juice. I'd spent the entire Pumpkin Smash season on a sugar-restricted diet, and I'd been fantasizing about that sugary goodness the whole time. YUM!
By then, the sun was up and I we were in full shopping mode. The rest of the day is a blur... and I was obviously too exhausted to take any more pictures.

After fueling, more shopping and a nap, it was game time - Tigard football in the quarterfinals at Hillsboro Stadium. Can't wait for tomorrow's semifinals at JELD-WEN Field!! Go Tigers :)

Ding dong

Anyone want to hear some handbell music?

My Newberg Friends choir is part of a concert at 4 p.m. Sunday at First United Methodist Church. Come see us ring :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Patchy run

The rain (and clouds!) cleared Wednesday afternoon in time for my post-work run! It was gorgeous :)
The plan called for 3 easy miles. As I wound around the neighborhoods, I aimed to keep my average between 10- and 11-minute miles.
3.01 miles at a 10:09 average:

I had to work to keep it slow, holding myself back and trying to enjoy the scenery. I need to figure out how to use the beeping function of my Garmin to set upper and lower limits. That will make it easier - less watch watching.

Today's a rest day - yay :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No-TV Tuesday meets Track Tuesday

With the Heart Breaker Half in our not-so-distant future, training time is upon us!

This time, Brad and I chose the Hal Higdon Intermediate Half-Marathon Training Program to guide our workouts. The schedule is "for experienced runners who have left their novice roots behind and want to improve their performances. That's us!

Each week calls for three easy runs, a track or tempo run and a long run. Tuesday is speedwork, and we both did our run inside on the treadmill.
This is one of the reasons be bought our 'mill, and it worked perfectly!

I did five 400-meter intervals at 5K pace (8:41) with 200-meter walks between. With warmup and cooldown, 2.25 miles.
Brad came home and did the same workout (at his much faster pace). Then we cleaned up and headed to Bridge City Cafe for yummy, cheesy veggie sandwiches.
My plan was to eat some dairy-filled dinners this week before going veganish at the end of the week. But I've been feeling SO horrible that I decided this sandwich was it. So as of this writing, I'm done with all cow dairy for at least three months. Fingers crossed!!

We made a quick stop at Whole Foods on the way home and picked up a couple items for our new diet.

Then it was home to prep for Wednesday and then curl up with my book:
A nice No-TV Tuesday :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

West Linn Turkey Trot 2012

A Thanksgiving-morning run has become one of my favorite holiday traditions!
We started in 2010 with Sherwood's Give n' Gobble. Mom, Dad, Eryn, Lindsey and Michael joined us for the near-freezing race.

We ran the Give n' Gobble again in 2011, this time with Mom, Dad, Eryn, Steve and Donna. But there were some problems with the course and organization, so we decided to try the West Linn Turkey Trot for 2012.

Packet pickup was Wednesday at Portland Running Co. in Beaverton.
Scored some good loot! I love these races sponsored by Jamba Juice :)
Not having a costume or a race T-shirt (they gave out the mugs instead of shirts), I wasn't sure how to dress. I found it funny how difficult it was to choose when I didn't have an outfit all picket out!
This is a close-up shot because Brad's not wearing pants! He discovered that morning that his pants were in the laundry. He ran a quick load and threw them on as we ran out the door.
The price tag (free!) didn't make up for the fact that this was the worst hot chocolate I've ever had!
Ready to hit the trails at Mary S. Young Park in West Linn:
Lynn came along for this year's event:
Pie prizes!
Here we go:
The race wound through the park, up and down and all around.
It was supposed to about 4 miles, but the flooded Willamette River took over part of the trail, forcing a detour. According to my Garmin, it ended up being 3.19 miles. I finished in 33:44, a 10:34 average.
Considering the trail conditions, which included flights of stairs, and my wheezing through snot, I'm very happy with that :)

Here comes Eryn:
Dad emerging from the woods:
Mom and Lynn!
Brad won a pie in the random giveaway!
So did Dad!!
The course was challenging and fun. The race was well organized. The post-race party was really fun. We all won random prizes. It was a good day :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving times two

I've always lived with lots of relatives nearby. I love it, but at the holidays, it can make things a bit hectic.

With family spread out, you choose one side to visit, perhaps switching every other year. But with everyone close, there's no excuse, so everyone gets squeezed in. I always find it exhilarating! But it can sometimes leave me with a stomach ache... literally!

Brad's fam planned to gather at Mike and AJ's house for an early Thanksgiving dinner. AJ prepared the whole traditional spread, and it was SO good!
The chef:
The Wood/Goins clan:
And then came this mind-blowing pecan pie. WOW!
But the schedule got changed, and our early-afternoon dinner became a late-afternoon dinner. Just fine if it's your only feast of the day. BUT, it wasn't!

So right after we packed our tummies, we packed up the car and drove to Eryn's house in Tigard for Dinner No. 2 with the McKee/Fantz clan:

More traditional foods, plus a Wellington from Native Foods Cafe. Excellent!
Our hostess:
Out came the pies, but the thought of eating one more bite was more than Brad and I could handle. I served up the sweet goodness but didn't have any of my own. It was the first time I've ever  seen Brad turn down pie... ever.

Two excellent meals with family! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone :)