
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Tiny, mini sabbatical

Like most everyone, I'm done... done with COVID, done with working in a school during a pandemic, done with global politics, done with local politics, done with the grind, done with people. I need a break. 

A while back, I saw someone post about using all your leave at work - vacation, personal time, sick time, even leave without pay. I don't remember the exact quote, but it encouraged folx to take all the time owed them.

This really stuck with me. 

I love my job, and I love helping my students. I make a tangible difference in these students' lives, and I think I'm really good at it. BUT... I can't take care of them if I'm totally burned out. And I'm feeling burned out. 

I do not get vacation time. Because I work just 211 days a year, I am not allowed time off during the school year. I get ample sick leave and two personal days per year (personal days come with lots of restrictions). But my union contract does allow for up to five days of short-term leave without pay. There are lots restrictions on those LWOP days, too, including planning way ahead. So months ago, I requested five days off. Those days are NOW!

(I also want to acknowledge the tremendous privilege it is to be able to take five days off without pay. I am very grateful that my situation allows me this brief respite!)

With everything prepped for my absence next week, I turned on my out-of-office e-mail reply and headed out. And before I even got out of the car at home, I deleted my work e-mail from my cell phone:
That was a bit anxiety producing! But I also felt it needed to be done.

Next up, some reading and snoozie time with Gizmo:

With a long run planned for Saturday, I took Friday as a rest day. But I did take a sunset walk to stretch my legs:
Did anyone else see that Saturday sunrise??
I set out to run at least 8 miles and ended up with 10. I worked hard to keep my heart rate low. It felt great!
Brad and I finished Inventing Anna. What a fascinating story!
Then it was time to celebrate Lindsey!!!!
We had a cozy fire while watched Waco:
It might not be the most beautiful, but it was YUMMY!
Sunday I ran to Cook Park and joined Mom and Pa in their rainy walk:
Then we spent the day with Brad's parents in their ongoing search for housing in the Tigard area (maybe, perhaps, someday...)

I knew one day of the week would be a veg-out day. Monday's forecast was for major rain, so I declared Monday my stay-home day.

I had a fire the entire day, using every piece of firewood from the back deck supply:
And I did some inside straightening, including laundry:
And putting away the Valentine's Day decorations and snowy kitchenware:
I prepped a tuna casserole for Tuesday's dinner, putting away some in the freezer for Brad's lunches. And I watched the entire Clickbait series on Netflix. It was a perfect, restful day 💗

Tuesday was errand day. I started with a morning run, but was actually disappointed that sleeping in a bit meant I was on loud, crowded, traffic-y streets instead of my usual dark, quiet, solo runs. Last week was snow... this week is warm enough for shorts!
I was super productive and did all my running around before lunch. Then I stopped at the Tigard Public Library for a veggie sandwich and flan from El Cuadrilatero Cafe:

I didn't think watching the State of the Union would help my stress, so I read in the bedroom while Brad watched Biden's address. Not a very exciting No-TV Tuesday
Wednesdays we do upper-body weights. After, I walked to Primo Espresso for steps and for a refueling hot chocolate milk:
Sabbatical buddy:
I thought about doing a bunch of stuff Wednesday, but I didn't feel like it. This week is supposed to be restful, so I read and rested. And painted my toenails:
It's supposed to dry out after Wednesday, so maybe I'll do something exciting outside Thursday. We'll see😁

PS - Halfway through and I still haven't checked my work e-mail 🎉🏆

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