On the way south, we spotted "Blue Moon" Odom in the Sacramento airport. He pitched for the Oakland A's when my dad was growing up in the Bay Area. Dad got an autograph and a photo with the three-time World Series winner.
We flew in Saturday and used our free evening to catch a Dodger game. The sunset looks a bit different from the nosebleed seats at Dodger Stadium vs. Seattle's Safeco Field.
Pamela Anderson threw out the first pitch. We NEVER thought we'd be in the same place as her! For my 30th, mom (the ride wiener) rode Space Mountain. For Eryn's 30th, she gave Splash Mountain a try. There was no line, so we were on it before she even realized what was happening. By the way, she sorta liked it! She's starting to realize what's going on :) Wildlife at Disneyland... baby ducks and teenage ducks swimming in Rivers of America. Mom is really good at Astro Blasters. I am not.
Free samples at the Mission Tortilla Factory.... maseca! Dad and Eryn try out the "L" on a cold and drizzly day outside Disney's California Adventure. Grizzly River Rapids... prepare to get SOAKED! I have never been more wet outside of a shower or swimming experience. There was no line for the Maliboomer, so we rode again and again. Then we decided to keep riding for 10 times in a row. About 3 hours later, we were done! SOOO FUN! It's my favorite :)
You guys have WAY too much fun! I LOVE how you love to do stuff together, and so varied! Never a dull family moment...