Paradise Park 9/20/08
Brad's been on several Mazamas climbs and taken several Mazamas classes, but neither of us had been on a hike sponsored by the local moutaineering club. We've wanted to visit Paradise Park near Mount Hood's Timberline Lodge, so we signed up for a Saturday club outing. Little did we know that our wildlife adventure would start while we were still in our Tigard cul-de-sac! We were coasting down the hill when we saw this guy wander down the street in front of us.
I managed to snap a picture as he trotted through the neighbor's front yard toward Fanno Creek in the back. We'd just seen a news story about an increase in coyotes in the metro area. I guess they were right!The coyote ran away, and we drove to meet our group at Gateway Park & Ride and pick up a couple carpoolers. We knew the weather wasn't going to be great, but when we got to Timberline Lodge, the wind was gusting and the temperature was low. We reluctantly got out of the cars, threw on our coats and stocking caps and said something like, "I'm not sure this is what I signed up for!" The sky was ominous, with dark clouds pouring over the summit.
Our group included many seasoned Northwest hikers (meaning, we know the weather around here and were prepared with layers for warmth and waterproofness) and a couple novices (meaning, I don't think they had any idea what we were planning to do). One newbie said that he was told that the hike was "near Mount Hood" - not actually ON Mount Hood. One of our leaders handed out some extra long underwear to one of the guys in shorts, as well as gloves and a stocking hat to the unprepared. Rain-Fly-Guy, wearing shorts and two cotton shirts, fashioned his own outer layer with, you guessed it, the rain fly off his tent, which happened to be in his trunk. We all got a big laugh over his unique cape-like contraption! I really wish I had a picture.My trusty William L. Sullivan book says the Paradise Park loop is 12.2 miles with 2,300 feet of elevation gain. The trail heads west from the lodge, across the ski area, through Little Zigzag Canyon and through big Zagzag Canyon. Then it makes a loop around the Paradise Park area. Because of this year's extremely late snow melt, the wildflowers were out in full bloom! It was a gorgeous hike. Unfortunately, the low clouds kept the mountain top hidden the entire hike. I can only imagine how lovely it would be on a clear day.
Because of the cool temp, I kept my giant ski mittens on the whole time to protect my stupid hands from going numb. So that meant very few pictures of this trail and our new hiking friends. Hopefully we will return on a warmer day and get some great shots.We had a great time on our first Mazamas hike and will look for more treks in the future!-Liz :)
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