Training time... again!
The Tilikum 10K is just 6 weeks away... that means it's time to start training! Two years ago, Tim, Brad, Eryn and I trained for the 10K - the first and only one I've ever done. I worked my tail off and finished in 66 minutes. Last year, I was battling the creepy crud and only attempted the 5K. I finished but with a little walking in the middle.
This year, I've been doing a lot of running (with several awesome workout groups/partners) and think I need to train for the 10K again. Yikes! I guess I'll start tomorrow with my Friday run.And I'm super excited to say that, so far, Lisa, Jenna and Christine plan to join me for this year's event! YAY!!!!! Look for us in our purple (CE)2 Runners shirts :)-Liz
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