Now, for the first time, I'll divulge my secrets. Ready?

I have this special brownie pan (7 x 11 x 1.5) that always makes them perfect. And that's my special brownie spoon. Instead of an official tablespoon, I always loosely measure the required 2 spoons of water and 4 spoons of veggie oil (in a doubled batch) with my trusty white plastic spoon.
After I mix up the batter, in goes a bunch of chocolate chips (maybe 1/3 of a bag??) to make them extra rich. And I always under cook. The box says 25-30 minutes, but with the oven set at 350 and my special brownie pan, I bake them for 20 minutes. The edges start to set, but the center is still soft.

And now you know my secret :)
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