The whirlwind adventure didn't stop for our last day in NYC... if anything, we sped up! Jill continued as our tour guide, helping us navigate the city, above ground and below. On Jill's suggestion, we took a tour at the Tenement Museum for a great history lesson: Lunch at nearby Bruschetteria: Amazing brunch for $12: On the move again: Staten Island Ferry: Ground Zero: Street performers: Brooklyn Bridge: (Notice the dark sky? It finally rained for a few minutes but didn't really clear the air.) Little Italy: Dinner with the whole fam: Dessert across the street: Jill said she had been dreaming about this peanut butter gelato thingy: More performers to entertain us on our walk to Penn Station: Our last train trip out of the city: We got in late and then packed for our very early departure. We squeezed in a little sleep before our cab came at 3:30 a.m. for the long drive to JFK. And the adventure didn't end there... we sat in the plane for 2+ hours before the mechanical problem was resolved and we were allowed to take off. We flew to San Francisco and sat on our connecting plane for another 2+ hours before its mechanical issues were fixed. Yikes. Soooo tired.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Overall, it was a very fun trip and a great adventure! But we were glad to be home and out of the East Coast humidity. Thanks, Mom and Dad for taking us on a good, old-fashioned family vacation! Happy Anniversary :)
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