Timberline (12/22/10)
In town for just a few days from Manhattan, Brad's sis, Jill, wanted to take a ski trip to Mount Hood. You don't have to ask us twice! Sean joined us today for a day at Timberline Lodge on the mountain's southern slope.
It snowed a couple inches overnight and was still snowing lightly when we hit the lifts for the 9 a.m. opening. (By the way, we still had gift cards from holidays past, so Brad and I skied for just $6 each - Thanks, Aunts Kari and Vicki!!!!) The temperature was mild and the wind was tolerable at the lower elevations. We'd heard it might get sunny, so I was prepared with zinc on my exposed skin.
The snow was amazing! Fresh, dry powder off the groomers. We skied a bunch of the new runs around Jeff Flood Express chairlift, enjoying the new terrain. And every chance we got, we left the groomers for the deep pow on the sides of the runs and in the trees. (I love tree skiing!) Soon, they opened the Magic Mile lift and we rode above the timberline to 7,000 feet. It probably opened a tad bit too early, as it was super foggy. The flat light and fog made it nearly impossible to see where we were going. Skiing by braille. It was dizzying and a bit scary, but we all made it down. The snow was incredible, and a short time later when it cleared up, we headed back to the wide open. The sun came and went, and the mountain finally emerged. I just stood and stared. No matter how many times I see it, I'm always awe struck.
We all needed our picture in front of the summit. (From the top of the Magic Mile lift)

Maybe it was because the snow was so soft and fabulous that I was taking more chances. Or maybe because I hadn't been downhill skiing in a year. But I fell SO MANY times today... and not just little falls. Big, spectacular falls. In the lift line. While standing still. While skiing powder. While stopping. While getting off the lift. In a huge snow drift next to a tree well. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself... several times. It was hilarious. Perhaps I need a refresher lesson ;)On our last run, Brad and I headed off into some trees near the Jeff Flood lift and ended up stuck in a very narrow, steep canyon. With no way to escape, we made our way down, down, down and eventually came out near the lift. But for a short time, as the sun was setting and the lifts were closing, we thought ski patrol might have to come look for us. It was definitely the hardest terrain we'd skied all day. Always an adventure...We arrived back at the car and had this view as we loaded:
Absolutely perfect.Our reward for not dying in the trees was Thai food in Sandy:

A good day.:)
You guys use your camera to spectular results. Love your posts, not so much your adventures in the "outback".