Soggy run
It's the 15th straight day of below-average temps in the Portland area. There was snow in the rain on my way to work... again. I put off my run yesterday, opting instead for the dry warmth of the garage elliptical. So I had to get out there today... no excuses!After 48 minutes in the cold rain, I was really soaked. So I stripped on the front porch. No drippies in the house!
My run/walk program called for 5 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking - 8 times for a total of 48 minutes.
I didn't look at my Garmin again, keeping track of my time on my stopwatch. I ended up going 4.64 miles in 47:43 miles - 10:16 minute/mile pace. Not bad. I'm focusing on increasing my distance now, not speed, so that feels great to me :)I was really dreading going out there this afternoon, but as always, I'm so glad I made myself do it!:)
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