Tuesday without TV was my cue to do some shopping errands. First stop: Bi-Mart for prescriptions, toiletries and some food... including these essentials: Then I popped over to the Washington Square Target, which is getting a makeover and was totally torn apart. I loaded up on running gear for the Girls on the Run clothing drive: Up next: Fred Meyer for a wedding gift for friends Angela and Cash. (PS - the newish gift registry system at Freddies kinda sucked. The printout didn't say where to find the items, so I wondered around forever trying to figure it out.)
I had to make a quick stop at PetSmart to get prescription food (at $30 a bag!) for Linus. You don't let the food bowl run dry when you have a 20-pound cat who loves to scream! Last stop was WinCo for this week's meals: I came home to a clean kitchen (thanks, Brad!!!), so I immediately got to work on three new recipes. More on those to come :) A very productive No-TV Tuesday :)
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