We were heading to Vancouver for a birthday celebration, so we decided to run post-party on the Lacamas Heritage Trail at nearby Lacamas Lake (where we saw the bald eagle last month).
It was around 80 degrees and very humid when we arrived. Luckily, it was overcast so the sun wasn't beating down on us, too.

My prescription was to run 15 minutes and walk 1 minute - until I reached 9 miles. I tried to keep my space slow so I wouldn't burn out at the end. My first intervals were 10:27 and 10
:24, and at my second walk break, I ate my first goo.
We reached the end of the trail, and I turned around and ran back 1 mile -- and then turned back and returned to the end. With all the going in circles, my time slowed a bit to 10:34. Meantime, Brad finished his 4 miles and retrieved his bicycle. Thankfully, he was waiting for me at the end with water and more goo.
My return trip felt pretty good, with more negative splits: 10:18 and 10:18.

Suddenly, I was really burpy/nauseous. Then I started to chill a bit. Brad was there with more water, but I was quickly losing steam.
I slowed way down, and my form got crappy, but I kept pushing myself along - almost done. I sped up at the very end, and finished in 1:36:42 - a 10:45 average.
I was covered with sweat... and had gnats stuck all over my neck and forehead. Yummy. I was lightheaded and wheezing. I was sore and pooped. But I was finished!
A lot was working against me: the heat and humidity, my tired legs and the return of the cold I had last month :( While I'm disappointed in my speed and my pooping out at the end, I'm happy that I got it done!
I ran 9 miles :)
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