This week's No-TV Tuesday started right after work with an incredibly sweaty 60-minute spin class... with my dad!!
I asked him to join me once - and if he didn't like it, I wouldn't bug him to go again. He did great! (Aside from his bike seat that was pointed up. Ouch!) I really hope he'll come again :)
I hoped for a father-daughter picture but I was in a huge rush to get home, shower and get to my massage and chiropractor appointment.

It was a nice evening to get some stuff done and hang out with my honey.
Ready for the bonus?? I started a post last week and never finished it. So here you go :)
It was a frigid and foggy start to No-TV Tuesday (10/25).
When my alarm sounded, I debated resetting it for much later, leaving just enough time for a quick shower and the short drive to work.
Instead, I resisted the draw of the cozy flannel sheets and dragged my lazy butt out of bed. I started off with a big bowl of warm oatmeal with flax, raw sugar, walnuts, blackberries and soy milk. I changed the laundry, took the time to do my PT shoulder exercises, showered and changed into my biking clothes.
Brrrr... it was a very chilly ride.

Yay, Me! :)
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