Such a nice treat! (My fingers stumbled when I typed "treat" and it almost came out as "retreat" - also very fitting!!)
We laid pretty low for a couple reasons: there was NO snow and I was recovering from a bout with the stomach flu (major yucky).
There was some of this:

Oh, and we took out the Jeep, which used to be Brad's baby:

Brad found a forest service road covered in a couple inches of snow that we HAD to explore. We drove in about a mile before it narrowed more than we were comfortable with - in another person's car.
Brad tried to wash off the mud splatters, but that's challenging when it's below freezing and there's no car-wash soap or rag :) Thankfully, a muddy Jeep is a happy Jeep.
Fortunately, we did have the energy to take advantage of the nice weather and get out a bit.
I managed two runs at the resort - one with Brad and one without. We ran from the house to the village mall and back for 3.52 miles:

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