I have personal rules for the holidays. I believe in concentrating on one special day at a time, and that means not decorating for Thanksgiving until after Halloween and not decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving.
BUT... Al's Garden Center held it's annual Evening of Lights last night, and we couldn't resist the brief Christmas preview.

First thing, Eryn and I made a beeline for the Halloween decorations - 50% off!!
Then we took in the Christmas sights. I love this metal nativity scene. If I was ever rich, I'd buy it.
Had to break out the Christmas socks! A flute-and-harp duet played beautiful Christmas tunes:
Everything was 10% off, so I bought a Halloween decoration, dilly beans and the best toffee I've ever sampled.
And now I will put away my Christmas thoughts for another month and enjoy November :)
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