Since he was a child, Brad's family tradition has included Christmas Eve snacks. The annual event has evolved over the years as kids grew up, obligations changed and family members came and went.
I play in the NFC handbell choir each Christmas Eve, so snacks now happen early in the day before I have to get dressed up and drive to Newberg. This year, we hosted at our Tigard house. Jill was in town from NYC, and Uncle Dick and Aunt Louise, now Newberg residents, joined us.

LOVE Dick's socks. It's especially funny because he's an avid hunter and probably wants to shoot and eat those little reindeer :)
After food and gifts, it was time to head to NFC for our 3:30 p.m. call. A little rehearsal with the other ensemble before the three services.
It's makes for a really long day (and short night!), but we love it.
Ready to ring:

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