BOOM! I just finished Day 30 of Jillian Michaels's 30-Day Shred DVD!
I got the video at the beginning of the summer to add some variety to my routine. I've enjoyed the short, intense workouts that leave me breathless and dripping. They are tough!
I did one workout almost every day, skipping just a couple days here and there because of vacation and other hard workouts. Today was my last one, and I feel good - definitely stronger! Maybe I'll try her buns-and-thighs video next :)
Wednesday, I did intervals on the treadmill: 7 x 400 at 5K pace. Hard and sweaty!
Tuesday was 4 sweaty miles on the road. It was fun to see my friend, Rick, as I passed THS!
Sunday, Brad and I hit the road before church but not early enough. It was very warm and humid. That was a tough one - sweaty!

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