I was blessed last week with a whole bunch of workout buddies!
While I usually work out solo, I've been expanding my horizons and collecting a group of friends to share the experience.
Monday was my usual spin class with THS coworkers. Connie made it up on the fly, and it was tough!!
A bad cold kept Sarah away Tuesday morning, but cousin Kenny joined us for a frigid run.

Cold remained the theme for this week. I put on four layers for the night-time Discovery Run scavenger hunt. Sarah came with us this month, and we sprinted all over Tualatin to collect tickets. We covered 5.5+ miles and got a whole bunch of tickets (these are just mine and Brad's)
And we won... NOTHING! Bummer.
But we DID get free Chipotle and hot chocolate. Then we capped our evening with Jamba - free with our previous race coupons!
Connie was supposed to run with me after work Friday, but she was home with a sick kiddo. Instead, I did a 3-mile race-pace run with Ralphie:
Saturday was 6 miles at race pace with George Bailey:
Brad went outside for his weekend run but I wussed out. Treadmills are so nice when it's 20 degrees outside ;)
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