My BFF Sarah was in town last weekend for a quick trip. She wanted to introduce me to Fat Milo's for breakfast Monday, but the Sherwood diner was unexpectedly closed. We ate at Rose's instead, and it was fabulous.
But I was thinking all week about Fat Milo's, so I asked Brad is he'd like to bike there Saturday morning for some weekend treats. He was all over that idea!
We left home about 9 a.m. and biked the ~ 8.5 miles under warm (for January) but cloudy skies. After a short wait, we got a table and ordered the chilaquiles and HUGE pancake to share.

The clouds burned off while we were inside:
It was next door to Rainbow Market. I lived in Sherwood through second grade, and we sometimes walked with the neighbor kids to Rainbow Market to buy cheap candy. Oh, the memories!
Lots of downtown bike parking right outside:
On the way home, we swung by my old house at Lincoln and Willamette, and I filled in Brad on the roller skating in the basement, the giant tree they removed, the laundry shoot tiny Eryn climbed through when we locked ourselves out and the bathroom pipe Dad climbed up with we locked ourselves out.
And there was Julie across the street, the pit bulls next door, the daddy long legs by the basement door, the leftover oatmeal for the dog, the silver leaf maple, the bi-colored rhodie, the filbert tree (it's still there!), the twins down the street and the neighbor's dirt bike I burned my leg on.
Good times!!!!!
We took a different route home and ended up with about 17.5 miles over all. A perfect way to start our Saturday.
Sunday, we woke to no power. We've been watching Jerico on Netflix, so I was a tiny bit freaked out that we were under attack and would have to live in the dark for months. We skipped showers and got dressed by candles and flashlights (Thanks, Pa, for the awesome Christmas flashlights - those things were perfect!)
The juice was back on when we returned from church, and life went on as normal.
We baked some things for Monday potlucks at work, then I took a short book and nap break. It was incredibly foggy all day, but the clouds cleared while I slept - perfect for our afternoon run.
Brad and I are still recovering from last weekend's half marathon, so we took an easy run to Tualatin Park - 5 miles in all.
Is this really January??
Then it was time to cash in on my Christmas gift from Lindsey. We met at Bye & Bye on Northeast Alberta. I had some yummy BBQ tofu with black eyed peas and collard greens. Then, since Salt & Straw was just 10 blocks away, we walked down for some ice cream.
I got the candy cap mushroom and port - and it was amazing!
She's a good friend to eat vegan food with me :)
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