In case you haven't heard, Brad ran the Portland Marathon in October!!! It was his third 26.2... now we're tied!
Instead of leaving these pictures on the camera... let's share!
Race expo Saturday at the downtown Hilton:

Early, early Sunday morning - with runner-friend, Dave:

Here comes Brad's "B" corral:
Brad was on the other side of the crowd, but I snapped a pic of Dave as he zoomed past:
And Dave again, a couple miles in:
Look at that gorgeous sunrise!
Here comes Brad!!
That point is a big loop, and while we waited for Brad to make his way around, the leaders flew down the hill! The guy in white compression socks is Chris, a co-worker from Tigard High School:
Go, Chris, go!!
There's Dave!
Brad coming down the hill:
Later that morning - right after the fullers split from the halfers:
Still looking strong!

Mom, Dad, Eryn and I were driving like mad to get to different points on the course. While in transit, we spotted this beauty parked in The Pearl. Pretty!
Remember in June when I ran a virtual 5K to raise money for a running chair for a local gal? Well, Andie was there - in her new chair!!!!
That guy volunteered to push her the whole way. Seriously amazing! And Andie was all smiles the whole time.
Coming off the St. Johns Bridge:
Andie zooming past on Willamette:
And here comes Brad!
He was starting to fade at this point. He handed me his empty water belt, and I ran a short distance by his side, checking in and offering a little encouragement.
We drove back across the river to make sure and see him at the finish. Here comes Andie down the home stretch:
The fat lady was singing!
And there's Brad!
Working hard to finish strong:
Then he disappeared around the corner and into the finishers' area to rest and refuel. While we waited, we spotted Lauree, who sang in our wedding!
He finally emerged, looking tired but so satisfied:
So proud!!!!

Former student, Lindsey, ran her first half!
Support/cheer squad!The salty aftermath:
Refueling at Native Foods. A woman in the next table (not pictured) was also wearing her finisher shirt. Must have been the place to go for lunch!
What an amazing accomplishment!! Congrats, Brad :)
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