My fairly normal life took a massive turn on Feb. 12 when my dad died. I've been reading, but I haven't been posting. I post these, not because I'm a book reviewer who wants to share my opinion with everyone, but because I'm competitive and want to see how many books I can read in one year.
Also, I refer often to my list to make sure I don't duplicate. When you read several prolific authors, it's hard to remember which titles you've already read.
No. 5 was David Baldacci's End Game on audiobook:
No. 6 was Tony Hillerman's A Thief of Time, a gift from my THS Secret Santa:
No. 7 - Another One Bites the Crust by Ellie Alexander:
No. 8 - Cat and Mouse by James Patterson:
No. 9 was Michael Connelly's The Late Show, consumed while roadtripping with Brad across southern California for Spring Break:
No. 10 - James Patterson's Black Friday:
No. 11 - Michael Connelly's Two Kinds of Truth on audiobook:
No. 12 - All American Boys, by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely, on audiobook:

No. 13 - Ta-Nehisi Coates's Between the World and Me on audiobook:

No. 14 - The End of Night by Paul Bogard:
No. 15 - Phoebe Robinson's You can't Touch my Hair on audiobook:

No. 16 - Joshua Davis's Spare Parts on audiobook:

No. 17 - James Patterson's Double Cross:

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