Dinner #2
After Thanksgiving Dinner #1 in Newberg, we took a brief break before heading to Dinner #2 at Aunt Kari's house in Portland. Pa took a turn with the carving knife:
Then Vicki used her surgeon skills to show us how it's done:
Oh, and then we discovered the plastic bag of giblets that was still stuffed in the end of the bird. Pa ate them straight from the bag!!! I was laughing too hard to take a picture. Ew!
Kari and Vicki always have the most beautiful home!
Everyone find a seat, it's time to eat!
Brad - Dinner 2, plate 1:
Liz - Dinner 2, plate 1:
Brad had said he was going pedal to the metal the whole day but got full pretty quick :)I can't believe we didn't get a group shot. But here are cousins Kayla and Jessie. Kari, Vicki, Ma, Pa, Mom, Dad, Eryn and Lindsey were also on hand for the celebration:
It was also Jessie's birthday, so we had presents after dinner:
Mom's birthday was last week, so presents for her, too:
Kari and Kayla made special birthday/Thanksgiving cupcakes for the birthday girls:
Eryn and I brought the pies:

So good, so full! :)
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