Pre-feast run
After the Turkey Feast 2010 pies were baked, potatoes mashed, cranberry relish mixed, dressing tossed and turkey roasting, Brad, Eryn and I went to Cook Park for a quick pre-feast run.It was perfect weather: overcast and cool but not cold. We headed down from the water treatment plant, around the wetland, over the river, through the woods, around Tualatin's Community Park and back.
Because of the stomach virus, I hadn't run in two weeks, so it was a bit painful. I kept up a pace faster than I normally run, but decided to stop when I hit the 3-mile mark. I walked and stretched for a bit and then finished off running back to the car.It felt good, though I'm a bit sore this morning. I'm glad we made time in our busy day to go running... made all that homemade pecan pie and whipped cream less guilt-causing ;)
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