Soggy sneakers
I set out Saturday to do a little running experiment. My usual distance is about 3 miles. And I can do it without too much effort. Several years ago, at the start of my running career, I trained for and completed a 10K. Not fast, but I finished. That was the last time I ran more than about 3 miles.But now I'm training for several 10Ks and a half marathon in the fall. It's time to kick up the distance.
So I tucked my Garmin under my sleeve and started out on my "regular" route - in the pouring rain. I ran slowly, wanting to see just how far I could go if I wasn't keeping track of time and distance. I reached the end of my route and kept going. I was feeling good, so I kept adding little bits along the way. I never felt like I was working particularly hard - just slow and steady. Fairly comfortable.Because of planned evening activities, I called it quits before I really needed to. I got to my stopping spot, not knowing how far I'd gone but sorta thinking I was probably around 10:30-min miles.
I went 4.81 miles and averaged 9:50 - without even trying! I know I had it in me to finish 5 miles. Really, I think I could have completed 6.2 (the 10K distance) without much more effort. WOW. This is seriously huge for me. No other runners were in sight during my 47 minutes on the road. But the rain didn't bother me (it was about 55 degrees - plenty warm). I had my tunes and my soggy sneakers and I just pounded out an easy 5 miles. I never thought I'd say that!:)
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