Then I went to the chiropractor to read the films and get another adjustment. Felt so good!
I had some time to kill before Brad came home so I swung by Old Navy just for fun. 50% off all women's clearance!!!

2. Pour 1 t oil into a wok or large skillet. Preheat over medium heat. Add garlic and egg mixture and stir gently to scramble. When set, remove egg mixture from the wok. Cut up any large pieces of egg mixture. Remove wok from heat.
3. Pour 1 T oil into the wok or skillet. (Add more oil as necessary during cooking.) Return to medium-high heat. Stir-fry celery in hot oil for 1 minute. Add mushrooms, stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes more or until vegetables are crisp-tender.
4. Add cooked rice, carrot, and peas. Sprinkle with 2 T soy sauce. Cook and stir for 4 to 6 minutes or until heated through. Add cooked egg mixture and green onions; cook and stir about 1 minute more or until heated through.