I was summoned for jury duty and, with a little nervousness, set out this morning to fulfill my civic duty. I've been called twice before (but have yet to sit on a jury) and feel that while it's not the funnest thing, it's important.

I kept watching the car behind me as we sped up and slowed down, and actually thought, "I hope this guy doesn't hit me." Just as we reached the Cornell overpass... BAM! He hit me. I saw his headlights approaching fast, and he didn't stop until we collided.
We pulled over and a motorcycle deputy was immediately on scene to help us exchange information. I am so thankful that Deputy Curry assisted with the stressful situation!
Long story short... my car has some bumper damage and my only injury at this point seems to be a headache and stiff shoulders/neck.
Now I'm late to jury duty. The line to go through security is SUPER long, so now I'm even later and the judge is already addressing the group when I get there. I eventually get to talk with the jury coordinator and explain that I'd been hit on my way there and was really distracted and sore. She said I could defer my service for a couple months.
I stopped by WinCo on the way home to grab a couple grocery items, and this put an immediate smile on my face:

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