Cheap eats and biking in torrential rain
I've had a low-grade cold for a couple days, so my weekend was fairly lazy. But there were two big highlights...Burgerville has been celebrating its 50th Birthday since spring with a party each weekend at different locations. This week was Newberg's turn - so we drove out for some throwback prices!
Big crowd:
Live music:
Brad ordered two double beef cheeseburgers, a small fry and a small strawberry shake - all for $5.06!
Since I don't eat beef, I went for the wild coho salmon sandwich and a small fry.
We sat outside and enjoyed our treats.
Then on Sunday, we loaded up our bikes and drove to Northeast Portland for Sunday Parkways, where they shut down the streets and let bikers, walkers, runners, skaters take over. We went last month when it was Southeast Portland and loved the festival!The sun was out as we jumped on the 8-mile loop at 17th and Going. Soon we spotted The Cyclameleon... seriously cool!
We made it to Woodlawn Park and checked out the festivities. Around the corner was the Durham Street Marketplace, where we snagged some free rootbeer!
The sky had darkened, and seconds after taking that photo, it completely cut loose. I'm not talking normal Portland drizzle. I'm talking East Coast torrential rain. Drops so big and hard that they hurt.Most people hid under street trees, in doorways and under canopies. But not us! We knew the forecast was for rain, and we were prepared. We kept riding - and it was AWESOME! I've hardly had more fun in my whole life.I wish I had pictures, but it was so wet that I didn't want to stop and dig out the camera.The rain stopped just as we rolled in to Rigler School Marketplace. So we hit the Voodoo Doughnut truck and bought the biggest apple fritter I've ever seen!
Yes... it really is the size of my face!
We had such a good time that we can't wait for next year's events. Plus, we just read that other nearby cities are considering adding their own rides. Yippee!!
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