3 x 1 mile with 400 m rest intervalsMy 5K PR is 9:01 (a lot slower than that guy!). So I planned for an 8:51 pace:
Pace: Determine 5K mile-pace and subtract 10 seconds.Just in case you aren't getting the notation, consider my example: My 5K pace is about a 6:12 mile, so I'm looking at 6:02 for this workout. After a warmup, I run one mile at 6:02, then jog slowly around the track one time, then repeat the whole thing two more times, for a total of three repeats. Too easy, tough guy? Try resting for only one minute instead of one lap.
THS Teachers, Administrators, Counselors, Support Staff, Custodians!What a great guy! Congrats, Frank :)I want to THANK YOU all for your support the years I have been at THS. Any honor I receive for teaching is not accepted alone. It is YOU ALL who have helped me do my job each and every day so this recognition is something I truly and profoundly share with all of you. I am blessed to work with all of you and I wouldn't work anywhere else!
Go Tigers!