While looking at another blog this week, I realized that I don't have an "About Me" section on my blog!How are visitors, especially people who don't know me outside the blog world, supposed to know who I am??Well that's about to change! Look out, Internet world, because now you can read all about me - woohoo! Try to control your excitement ;)Click HERE to learn more :)
Already done with three books for 2012!
"O" was a good one - I didn't know who did it until the end! I love a good mystery :)Time to start "P" - yippee :)
Darn me, always competing with myself...Last Thursday, I pushed to run a fifth interval. Today I was running well but just not feeling it. I was about to quit after four but then felt guilty because I knew I could do another one. So I did!
It was dry, sunny and warmish (for January), but a moderate wind was swirling. On the first lap it was blowing from the north. Then it was coming from the west. Then the south. Then the west again. You can really tell the wind direction when running on an outdoor track.
Here's how it looked:warmup - 400m400m: 7:49 pace400m: 7:42200m recovery400m: 7:23400m: 7:39200m recovery400m: 7:33400m: 7:36200m recovery400m: 7:33400m: 7:37
200m recovery
400m: 7:54
400m: 7:50
cool down - 200mIn all, 3.42 miles in 32:54 - a 9:38 average, including warmup, recoveries and cool down.
In typing up those times, I realized that EVERY split was faster than last week's except the first split of the fifth interval... 7:54 instead of last week's 7:53. (the average for the whole last 800m was faster!)SWEET.I didn't realize I was running that much faster. No wonder I was "just not feeling it" - I was working hard.
I don't want to sound like I'm all full of myself, but I'm really proud of the work I've been doing. Looking back at my calendar, I've been running track workouts almost weekly since mid-October, and I'm seeing improvements.Such a great feeling :) :)
Today's muffin experiment was Rice Pudding from the book:
1 1/2 c flour1/4 c sugar1 1/2 t baking powder1/2 t baking soda1/4 t salt1 t cinnamon1 t nutmeg1 c cooked white rice, cool1 egg2 T butter, melted1 1/4 c buttermilkicing sugar (I skipped this)Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease muffin tin.1. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add rice.2. In another bowl, whisk together egg, butter and buttermilk. Add to flour mixture and stir just until moist.3. Spoon batter into prepared muffin tin, dividing evenly. Bake for 15-20 minutes.4. Remove from tins and sprinkle with icing sugar.~~~~~~~~~~~Easy, basic ingredients, especially when you have leftover rice in the freezer from a recent lunch!
They were good but nothing too exciting. The nutmeg was overpowering, and I would probably cut it down if I made them again.I didn't really think they tasted like rice pudding, but they did have some little rice chunkies in there for texture. The kids liked them but didn't love them....Still, free food is always a hit :)
I'm really excited that the course has finally been revealed for May's Portland Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon!!Registration opened last May, but the course was still TBD until last week. We blindly plopped down our money before the end of 2011 (to take advantage of the lower prices) and waited to see where we'd be running.Eastside!I think that will be a fun route - and much different than other events I've done downtown.With 16 weeks 'til race time, I'm ramping up my running, including 8 miles this weekend. (The most I've done since Disney)Considering my experience, the flat course, cooler temps and speed training, I'm hoping for a big PR (previous personal record is 2:28:52 at Disney). Actually, "hoping" isn't the right word... I'm working really hard to get there!My goal is to build my long weekend runs and continue Track Thursdays until the spring sports season starts next month and I lose my valuable training spot to the high school runners. At that point, I'll switch to tempo runs to train myself to maintain quicker paces.Nervous... and excited! A fun combination :)
This one's from Brad... FUNNY!:)