We'd just finished 9 miles on the Lacamas Lake trail in Camas, Wash. We were celebrating our accomplishment, cooling off, stretching, rehydrating, taking pics for the blog and having some nice family time in the sun at the park (my parents were there, too). You know, the normal things people do at a public park.
A guy looking for a parking spot noticed us opening our car doors and asked if we were leaving soon. We said no.
Should have been the end of the story.
But we didn't know he was a complete loon.
He kept circling the small, full parking lot, and his stalking and watching was annoying while I was stretching and trying to mind my own business. Several times he asked us to leave and we said we were not ready.

Brad got in his face and told him to back off, but the guy went off, telling Brad he was going to "beat the f'ing s*#t" out of him. He was belligerent - completely out of control.
And my favorite part was when he said, in a very condescending tone, that we were wasting his time by standing around "taking pictures"... oh my gosh, at a park??? No way! :)
Dad jumped in and tried to keep it from coming to blows while Mom called 911. (I wish she had been using that iPhone to record the nut job! But 911 was definitely needed)
Before police arrived, someone pulled out and he finally parked. And then the whack-nut came at us again. I grabbed my camera and he didn't like that so much.

I have no idea what this guy's problem was. He was totally nuts.
Wow. Didn't expect that end to our weekend workout. Extra excitement to keep up our heart rates :)
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