Today's a workday so teachers can grade and get ready for the new semester next week. Because my schedule's flexible, I planned to work a split shift and do a little track workout before lunch.
I was about to change when I saw a hoard of teenagers flooding onto the track. Track team? Soccer? Lacrosse? Maybe all three.
I almost threw in the towel but decided to change anyway and go do a short tempo run, which I plan to switch to soon anyway after track season gets under way.

I did a short warm up at a comfortable pace and then kicked it up. I knew I wanted to go faster than my 5K PR (which is 9:01), but I wasn't sure how fast. I settled in around 8:20 and went for it.
My first mile was at an 8:14 pace. My second mile was at an 8:14 pace. YAY, consistency!

I feel good about that. I was able, even with a stiff headwind, to keep my pace even and far below my best 5K time. I'm not sure if I could have pulled off another mile at that speed, but maybe......
Have you gotten out in the sun today? :)
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