Coach approached me yesterday asking if I'd like to help the THS football Web site. He said he wants it easy to navigate and up to date. And he wants more pictures. Also, it's been hosted by a Web company, and he'd rather spend the fund-raised dough on the kids instead of on the site.
Well, a day later, I've almost entirely recreated the site on Blogger (free and user-friendly!), including going through hundreds of amazing photos to spruce up the pages.

I ran the KOIN-TV news Web site for many years, and I so enjoy the creativity and challenges that come with the Internet.
I think I've figured out how to use Google Docs to get PDFs on the site. I'll finish that up tomorrow.
And then hopefully Coach will like the new site, and the fact that it's free!
But now it's after 9 p.m., and I must hit the hay :)
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