I even tried to get Brad to cancel my workout for me by volunteering to come right home after work and help him. (He was home after having a strange reaction to the Vicodin he took before bed - after having a root canal)

So I dutifully changed my clothes in the (CE)2 bathroom and headed outside to run a 5K.
Despite snow on the ground this morning, it was actually sunny and mild this afternoon. Until I stepped outside. Raindrops began falling as I walked across the parking lot. Perfect.

So after conquering my lazy wussyness... I ended up having an awesome run and PRing again!

This time I ran the 5K in 26:29, an 8:32-minute mile. Holy crap. I almost feel like my Garmin screwed up!

Mile 1 - 8:36 pace
Mile 2 - 8:33 pace
Mile 3.1 - 8:28 pace
With warmup and cooldown, I did 3.53 miles in 30:56.
I had a meeting at 4:30 at THS, so I tried something new: I showered in the locker room!

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